Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Many believers do not know the Word of God, let alone know how to use it against the enemy.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
The enemy is defenseless to the believer who knows the Word of God and knows how to wield his Sword——and does.
Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
This morning I got a picture of a believer who was given an actual sword but had no idea how to hold or use it. It was hard for him to lift because it was so heavy. The enemy entered the scene and noticed this immediately. He had his own “weapons of choice” and was very skilled in their use. The believer took his huge and powerful sword, and swung it awkwardly at the enemy. It was hard for me to watch. It was apparent this believer had no idea how to fight, let alone how to use his heavy sword. It looked like he could’ve bruised the enemy or maybe even cut him a little, but nothing major enough to faze him. The enemy then countered. He came at the believer with his weapons, knowing precisely how to hold them and where to hit. He hit the believer where it hurt most, knocking the sword right out of the believer’s hand.
This is what it’s like when a believer has no idea exactly what the Word of God says, how to use it or the power it has to defeat the enemy. Sure, they might believe the Bible is God’s Word and that it has power and authority. They may even pick it up occasionally but haven’t become proficient in it. They haven’t built their “spiritual muscles” up in it to know how to hold it and/or swing it. Bottom line: They don’t know how to use their Sword properly.
The believer must read his/her “Sword,” study it, know its power and become skilled in how to use its power. If the believer doesn’t do this, the enemy can tell immediately and will come and pollute it or steal what he can, taking that believer out. But Satan knows that if a believer gets the Word of God “down” (knows it and how to use it), rightly dividing the Word, he’s done for!
2 Timothy 2:15
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.
Hebrews 4:12
For the Word of God is living quick, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Swords are not offensive but defensive weapons. They are used to cut, thrust, stab, mortally wound, and slice things right down the middle (rightly divide). They can also be used to block a fatal hit of an opponent’s sword/weapon.
The Word of God is God’s Word-His spoken Word and His authority. He has given to us to use and it is meant to be used mightily and skillfully in the mouths of His believers!
Now, it can work two ways. God’s Word used properly can work for you and against the enemy (positive result, positive impact) or, it can work against you and for the enemy (negative result, very negative impact). That is why it’s so vital to know how to be a skilled swordsman.
Photo by Mauro Lima on Unsplash
Every other piece of God’s armor (Ephesians 6) is meant to stay close and tight to the body, protecting and enabling you to move forward to take your stance against your enemy.
Of course, you always could always take your shield (your faith) and “whack” the enemy with it. But then, you wouldn’t be holding it in the correct offensive position-tightly protecting your vital areas from the fiery darts of the enemy!
I googled “What makes a person a skilled swordsman,” and this is what I found.
It’s the ability to be highly proficient in the way of the sword.
The capabilities of a skilled swordsman are:
• They can demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword.
• They can wield a sword with incredible expertise in speed, power, and skill. This will allow them to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through a solid material such as steel, and even hold back their strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them.
• The user can operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision, and cut only and exactly what they want.
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash
• This ability also allows them to become naturally skilled with multiple swords or any bladed weapon regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat.
• Their swift weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles to cut their intended target.
We must know the Word of our God-our Sword. We must have it in our hearts and become skilled in using it. Swords are heavy and must be picked up and held multiple times daily. It should feel like an extension of our bodies. Our “spiritual muscles” are developed as we use them often. We become stronger and more proficient each time we have to lift-read and use-the Word. The more a person picks up his/her Sword, the more comfortable they become holding and wielding it.
So, use and “wear” your weapons God has given you, correctly and the enemy doesn’t have a chance! He becomes defenseless against a believer who is a Skilled Swordsman!
Jen Meyers
Sanctioned Love