About Us

Who We Are


"Through prayer and the Word, we would minister with power."


How Sanctioned Love Started

In 1997, while seeking the face of God at a conference, He spoke to my [Lynda's] passion and longing to see captives set free, broken hearts unbound and identity released to the wounded. He showed me that He wanted to build a company of women with this as their very mission. Through prayer and the Word, we would minister with power, teaching and preaching the word of God in the freedom and liberty of the Spirit of God.

Prayer for this vision began all those years ago, but it was in the last seven years that the Lord brought Sanctioned Love together with traveling opportunities, soul care of one another and ministry of healing to others.

Today, we minister as a team, each with different giftings, like multiple streams flowing into the same river with a passion to see lives touched by the heart of God.

Our Values

What We Believe

The Vision

To preach and practice the full gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ through the teaching of the Word and demonstration of the power of God by the Holy Spirit.

The Mission

To bring the RATIFYING LOVE “the binding force of love” to individuals with the purpose of increasing intimacy, freedom and identity of Christ.


Our Beliefs

JOHN 14:6

The Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God. Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life.”

ACTS 4:12

We believe that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to man by which we must be saved.”

1 JOHN 1:9

We believe “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

2 PETER 3:9

We believe God “is patient, not wanting any to perish but everyone to come to repentance.”

2 TIMOTHY 3:16

We believe that all scripture is “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”


We believe that every believer in Christ is the “temple of the Holy Spirit.”


We believe we have been “baptized by one Spirit into one body.”


And recognize the value and equality of all members of the body of Christ. We are “all one in Christ Jesus.

We support the unity of all believers, denominational, economic, or ethnic diversities.


We believe we have “different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit.”


“And so shall we forever be with the Lord.”

Deeply experience the love and freedom, and presence of God

Our Team

“Each with different gifting, like multiple streams flowing into the same river.” — Lynda


Lynda Renne

President & Founder
When radical love collides with our earthly understandings and false identities, we are set free and begin a journey of being made “new in Christ.” "It is that Sanctioned Love that has stirred my passion."

Marcy Johnston

Inner Healing & Wholeness
Marcy and Jesus became tight friends when she was 8 years old! She has a passion to see all people walk in the SOZO salvation of God: saved, healed, and delivered.


Joy Pharo

Social Media Director
Joy is our Social Media Director and also ministers on the Sanctioned Love Team. Joy ministers by seeing and hearing the destinies for others. At age ten, God resurrected Joy from death and whenever anyone meets her, they are never surprised by her name.

Melissa Norris

Prayer Ministry
Melissa has a heart to minister the love of God through prayer and fellowship in the Holy Spirit. She has overcome addiction, grief, disappointment and has walked back to her God given identity in Christ Jesus. Her insights and words of knowledge bring encouragement and confirmations to others.

Megan Stockwell

Team Manager & Worship Leader
As Team Manager and Worship Leader, Megan manages the team which ranges from staff meetings to conference planning and event arrangements. Megan’s favorite connection with God is in worship. “I have known my whole life that I have a great call to lead people to worship, and I want nothing more but to fulfill that call.”

Support Team


Rheyma Oosterman

Rheyma’s heart is to tend to the hearts of others. She especially loves tending to the hearts of the Sanctioned Love team and anyone God puts in her path. She uses her gift of helps, along with insights from Holy Spirit, to encourage and support the team so they can minister freely. Rheyma is also the Chief Editor of Sanctioned Love, editing everything that comes from the Ministry.

Hannah Davenport

Worship Leader
Hannah has been called to worship from a young age. "I have enjoyed every step of this worship journey God has been taking me through."