Happy March! And welcome to week 2 of our series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But first, we’d like to share another testimony of what God did at the Gifts From His Heart Conference a couple weekends ago.
“The Sanctioned Love conference was awesome! The worship music was empowering. (I really liked the young man.) The messages were very genuine and touched feelings and hit nerves that needed to be touched and hit. I could sense God guiding the sessions as the leaders seemed to follow an outline instead of a close script. I liked that. The visuals were helpful to me, especially Marcy’s kitchen gadgets.
I came away encouraged knowing God desires for me to be part of His plan by being sensitive to His promptings with His gifts and to exercise them. I am to say, “Yes Lord” first, resist the enemy, and let Jesus be the host, not the guest. Giving a prophecy does not mean I have to foretell someone their future but to encourage people as Jesus speaks to and through me. I allow Jesus to bless others when I am his mouthpiece to edify, encourage, enlighten and educate. Pray in tongues, stay in love, be free, be bold.
Thank you, Lynda and group, for a very rewarding experience.”
Gifts that “Do”: Power Gifts
The Gift of Faith
1 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP) 9: to another [wonder-working] faith [is given] by the same [Holy] Spirit, and to another the [extraordinary] gifts of healings by the one Spirit;
The gift of faith is not natural faith, not walking in faith for the promise’s. This is not salvation faith. This is supernatural faith and it is manifested by the Spirit to enable a person to receive a miracle beyond the capacity of ordinary faith to receive.
Here are some examples of the gift of faith from the Bible.
In Daniel 6:38 we read about Daniel and the lion’s den. Because he believed GOD he went to sleep in the midst of hungry lions. Daniel did not do anything to protect himself, God gave Him supernatural faith. And God was faithful to rescue him from the jaws of the lions.
In Mark 4:38, Jesus slept in the boat during a storm! Can you imagine sleeping through gale force winds, waves taller than the boat? The disciples were scared out of their minds thinking that they were about to die. And Jesus slept! Jesus had the gift of faith.
John 14:12 tells us to ‘believe in [Jesus] and greater works shall we do!
Gifts of Healings: supernatural healing without human aid
The Gift of Healing and the Working of Miracles, which we will go into next, are often seen in evangelism or an evangelist can operate in these. Often gifts operate together and others support. The gifts work in tandem with each other.
God has been able to move through our team through the gift of healing on our recent trip to India. I prayed for a gentleman who had been in a car accident and when we arrived back home I found out that he had been completely healed. He could walk again and had no pain!
Our worship leader, Natalie, prayed for a baby with a severe fever and it went away that night.
Another of our team, Marcy, prayed for a lady with a severe foot infection. She felt the Lord say to tell her that when she woke up in the morning, she would be completely healed. And true to His word, when the woman woke up the next morning her foot was completely healed!
It’s amazing to see what God does when we decide to step out in obedience. And it’s also an adventure. I’ve realized over the years that there is no formula! God heals and moves in new ways every time, and getting to walk with Him is like following a treasure map when it comes to operating in the gifts. You never know what’s coming next. All we know is, it’s good!
John 16:12-15″I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.
Working of miracles: a display of power giving the ability yo go beyond the natural
A miracle can be defined as a supernatural intervention by GOD in the ordinary course of nature. to change the laws of nature
Here are some examples from the Bible of when the working of miracles was in operation:
In John 11:23-26, Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead after he had been dead for four day!
Moses, through the power of God, split the Red Sea and allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry land to escape the Egyptians.
In John chapter 2, we read about Jesus’ first miracle happened at a wedding in Cana, where he turned water into wine.
Acts 15:12: The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them.
The Greek word for ‘acts’ of ‘signs’ in this passage is semeion and is defined as: miraculous sign, mark, token, and is used of miracles and wonders as signs of divine authority.
The word ‘miracles’ is the same Greek word dunamis, meaning acts of power or mighty wonderful works.
Ask for increase for the Holy Spirit, because we cannot access any of the gifts without faith. But that’s just the thing. We access these gifts through relationship with God. And He rewards those who earnestly seek Him!