Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Years ago, I read a story of a man who went to heaven. St. Peter stood at the pearly gates. “Come on in,” he said, motioning for the man to enter. “I’m guessing you would like to see God first,” said Peter. “Head straight down this street, until you reach two large golden doors, that will be God’s throne room. You will find Him there”. So, off the man went.
As he was walking merrily along his way, the man began to notice that no one was on the road but him. This got his curiosity up, so he started looking around as he walked. The houses were empty, the playgrounds empty, where was everyone?
Photo by Hermann Wittekopf on Unsplash
As he reached the golden doors, they seemed to open all by themselves. Stepping into the throne room, he was blinded by the light coming from the throne. He dropped to his knees and covered his face. After, what seemed to be a long time, He felt a hand on his shoulder and heard a voice say, “Get up, my child. I’ve been waiting for you”. God had been waiting for me?! God motioned for him to come.
Standing before God, he had so many questions, yet the one that was now plaguing him the most was, where were all the people? What about everyone he knew that had died and gone to heaven? Where were they?
“Anything you like to talk about, My son?” asked God. “Any questions?” This was his chance, he thought.
“Where is everyone?” the man asked. “Everyone?” asked God quizzically. It seemed like forever before the answer came. “Everyone………??? Where is everyone, you ask?”
Did you not know that on Earth, it was only you and Me?”
OOOOUCH!!! That hit me like a 2 X 4 right between the eyes.
I mean, I knew the Christian life was about walking with Jesus, but…. all the sudden, I realized I kind of thought of it as a “group effort.” Like I did my Christian walk with others. We all went to church together, prayed together, did Bible study together-you get my “drift.”
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
I have continued to grow in my walk with Jesus, Him, and me. In January, however, Jesus said, “Rheyma, this is the year of you and Me. Not you and Sanctioned Love and Me-just you….and Me. Are you ready to ‘go to the next level’ with Me? I have truths and treasures I want to reveal to you, requiring you to go into training with me. I want to strengthen Our relationship, grow your faith, and show you more of Myself. Are you willing, Rheyma?” My response was, “Yes, Lord, I am.”
I mean, on Earth, Jesus didn’t depend on His disciple’s faith or their prayers to have a relationship with His Father. No, Jesus’ relationship with His Father was His own. Just Jesus and His Father. One on One. So, what makes me think I can live on others’ faith? Other’s comment? Other’s relationship with the Godhead.? No, my walk with the Godhead needs to be my own. One-on-one. Just the Godhead and me.
In his book, INTIMACY with the ALMIGHTY, there are many wonderful and profound quotes by the author Charles Swindoll. But one of my favorites is:
“Some of God’s best truths, like priceless treasures, are hidden in depths most folks never take the time to search out.”
When Jesus told me at the beginning of this year that it was going to be about Him and me-if, I was willing-this quote immediately came to mind. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was going treasure hunting, and I was going by myself. This was NOT a group thing. I was going to have to do the work myself. No one could do it for me. And Jesus? He’s right there beside me, encouraging me, supporting me, and loving me.
Rheyma Oosterman
Sanctioned Love