
Fluffy on the Go

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 

Fluffy doesn’t like to travel. In the past, I’ve hauled my cat around in a little kitty Winnebago made of cardboard, but she made such a ruckus that I decided to try a different tactic. I thought greater mobility might help her. If she could see what was going on, I reasoned, perhaps she’d be less disturbed. Surely, I thought, being able to get close to me would be a comfort.

So, the next time I traveled with her, I just tossed my cat into the car and took off. She was startled and suspicious of this turn of events, but was ok until she looked out the window. Her eyes dilated, and she began making noises I’d forgotten about since I stopped watching horror movies. She could not believe what was going on around her! Running from one spot to another, she kept looking for a way out. She jumped to the floor. She leaped to the back seat. Then, she planted her back feet on my shoulder and tried pawing her way through the slippery glass of the drivers-side window.

I plucked her ridged body from its perch and laid her down beside me. Scratching her ears I told her life would be better soon. My cat could not be consoled. She kept scrambling to the driver’s side window, shredding my leg in the process. Finally, she retreated under the front seat to do the only logical thing—sit there and wail. When we arrived at our destination, I had to drag her stiff little body from its dark abode and carry her into the house. She hid for several hours until she believed things might actually be all right again. I shook my head and chided her for her silliness.

But then “Someone” helped me remember the times I’ve acted like my cat. Unable to understand the Savior’s plan in the midst of frightening circumstances, I began racing around looking for a way out. Often, I’ve clung to things or relationships that were as slippery as window glass. Instead of resting in His presence, I’ve run frantically back and forth to view my problem from this angle and that angle.Finally, I have retreated to hide and whine to God about my misery. How much easier, how much more pleasant the journey if I had chosen to simply lay in His lap and let Him scratch my ears. He is, after all, in the driver’s seat. 

God, help me to relax in your presence and know that You are taking me somewhere good, even when life moves too fast and I can’t understand what’s going on around me. Thank you for being the Good Shepherd, and thank you for understanding my fears.


© Jean Nelsen

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