
Prayer Is The Foundation For Everything

Prayer Is The Foundation For Everything

Prayer is the foundation for everything, and if ever there was a time we needed to know how to pray and see results, it is now!

So, what is prayer?

Prayer is communicating and communing with the Godhead-Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Getting to know and deepen our relationship with Them. The more one-on-one time we spend in prayer with the Godhead, the more we know the heart of God.

Prayer is also about the condition of your heart. Where is your prayer coming from? What is your heart’s motive for prayer? Love for God or love for yourself? Are you trying to impress others? God is not a genie in a bottle. Nor is prayer trying to twist God’s arm to get Him to do something. 

We often want a deep relationship with the Godhead and the benefits it brings, like being able to pray with power and see things happen. Yet we do not want to put in the time and commitment that it takes. We want the benefits without the sacrifice.

Intimacy is the key—Intimacy with the Godhead.

When prayer comes out of intimacy, we learn to relate to the Godhead-all three of Them. We get to know Their heart. We become more “in tune” with Them in our everyday lives as we learn and grow in intimacy with the Godhead, and out of that, we can pray with and in power-God’s power, not ours.

First, however, we must have a relationship with the Godhead. 

We cannot earn our salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we put our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. As stated earlier, what matters to God is the attitude/condition of our heart when we pray to Him. 

Romans 10:9 says, If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

How do we do that? Through a simple heart-felt prayer, like the following, to accept Christ as your Savior:

Dear Father God,

I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness.

I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. 

I believe that Jesus died for my sins and that three days later, You were raised to life.  

I want to trust You, Jesus, as my Savior and follow You as my Lord from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do Your will.

I pray this in the Name of Jesus, Amen.**

Once we have a relationship with the Godhead, we will want to know the Holy Spirit better, for He is our greatest helper, intercessor, and teacher when it comes to prayer. 

Where do we start? We begin with a deep hunger and cry to know and have a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, which we can do by simply asking in Him in prayer. 

“Holy Spirit, I want to know You and have a deep relationship with You. Give me a deep hunger and thirst to know You. In Jesus Name, Amen” 

And He will!

The Holy Spirit reveals secrets and mysteries to us as we pray. In His wisdom, the Holy Spirit shows us revelations and teaches us how to pray and be trustworthy in our prayers. We must learn to steward the revelations the Holy Spirit shares with us, for we are stewarding the very heart of God. As we do, God will share more secrets with us through the Holy Spirit. 

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, – Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 

How exciting to be able to know the heart of God Himself!

And it is available to everyone!

What are you waiting for?

By: Lynda Renne

** If you have prayed either one of the prayers above and would like to find out more about salvation, a relationship with Jesus, or are in need of prayer, please contact Sanctioned Love at 541-591-1558. A team member would love to talk with you. 

If you have a prayer request, please contact Sanctioned Love through our website at www.SanctionedLove.com, and a team member will respond to your request ASAP.  



Phone:  541-591-1558


                          P.O. Box 7478, Klamath Falls, OR  97602

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