
Conversations With Jesus

Jesus: “Good morning, Rheyma. Are you ready for this new journey?”

Me: “Good morning, Jesus. I think so. But it looks a little bit like a desert out there to me—only a few blades of grass, a flower here and there, no road signs or arrows to point the way, but You, Jesus, are here—Rheyma reassures herself—You are holding my hand, and I am holding Yours as we walk along this journey. There is no path in sight, Jesus, and I  like paths—I’m not an off-road kind of gal. You know, yet You know the way.” 

Jesus:“I want you to come away with me, Rheyma. You don’t need to know the answer, although I know you’d like to. And yes, I know you love having a plan or a list to check off to see your progress, but that is not what I have asked you to do. I have asked you to come away with Me, to sit with Me, and let life manage itself. You are not in charge, nor do you need to be . . . I AM. So come and sit with Me. 

We can talk. We can laugh. We can tell silly stories. We can discuss whatever you want.

I will listen to you over and over and over again.

Start anywhere you want, explain everything a hundred times, go on as many squirrel trails as you want, and I will listen. 

I have all the time in the world for you, Rheyma. I will listen as long as you want. I always enjoy your stories and never tire of them.”

Me: “I love to talk and laugh as we walk along, until I become afraid, stressed, or overloaded that is and don’t know what to do. Is that kind of like Peter,  Jesus, when he stepped out of the boat and walked on water until he looked at his surroundings/circumstances and not at You? I do that, Jesus. I seem to forget that You are right here with me. I look around, hoping for a clue or someone to tell me it’s okay when all I need to do is look into Your eyes, and there You are,  looking straight into mine. You have never taken Your eyes off me. It was me that took my eyes off you.”

Jesus:“I also want to sit with you, Rheyma, as you read My Word. Don’t try to figure everything out; read it like a letter from a dear friend. As you do, I will show you new and wonderful things you have not seen before. I will reveal lies you believe and then show you the truth—My truth—that refutes those lies.  I want to reveal to you the lies that you are building your foundation on instead of building it on Me.  In that way, Rheyma, I renew your mind—I do it supernaturally as you spend time in My Word with Me. Many people miss that part. I want to just hang out/be with my children and enjoy them and them, Me. Many read My Word—which is great!—but forget to invite Me in. This makes My heart sad,  like when your kids ‘blow you off.’

You see, Rheyma, I have you on this new journey because I want to change a few things. You have some old reactions and old triggers I want to change. I want to teach you how to see things from My perspective, not your circumstances or emotions. 

Oh, I know you would like a path that is mapped out, road signs and all, so you can see the progress right off the bat, but you see, Rheyma, first, you must build your foundation on Me—and that begins and ends with Me. The progress that you will be able to see comes only after your foundation is secure in Me. And you build your foundation, Rheyma, not by doing for Me, but by being with Me.”


Rheyma Oosterman

Sanctioned Love

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