Scribe writing old document

You Are More Than A Scribe

In History, a scribe was an ancient Jewish record-keeper whose work could involve copying manuscripts and other texts, secretarial and administrative duties such as taking dictation and keeping business, judicial, and historical records for kings, nobles, temples, and cities.  

This had always been a very important and trusted position. An example of a great scribe in the New Testament is Tertius, who worked for the Apostle Paul. And according to 2 Samuel, King David had three scribes. 

As a published Christian writer, I am, in a sense, a type of scribe, as I write mainly about the words in the Bible and the pages that have already been written within it. But one day, as I was encouraging a friend in the Lord, I heard these words:                           

“You are more than a Scribe.” 

I loved that thought so much. To think that because of Jesus and His blood, we have all become more than mere scribes. More than copycutters of truth, we have actually become His messengers. I know that when I am sharing and/or writing something, it is not a format from another person’s heart or mind. It is a living message from my relationship with the Holy Spirit. He uses me as a unique, sanctified child of God and wants me to be more than a dictation of knowledge. He wants me to be a messenger of the Gospel and move on His behalf. 

Matthew 28:19 says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

I am so thankful that we serve a Living God, that He left us His Holy Spirit as a Teacher, Comforter, and Guide, and that we are sealed as His own, no longer orphans or slaves but rather a chosen people, heirs and co-heirs in Christ. Because of this truth, I know I have the voice of a ready writer.

Have you found your voice? Do you know that you have important insider information about your Jesus, truths that He wants you to share with others? Have you become more than a scribe who takes dictation as you walk by the power of the Sovereign Holy Spirit? Do you feel the good pleasure of the Lord as you move as a messenger of the gospel? 

Be encouraged, dear friends, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made to have your own voice, given fresh to you daily by the Holy Spirit. Be brave to write the Living Words of your Savior on the hearts and minds of this present world. So get out your pens and write your own love letters. Be the messengers your Father has called you to be. And remember, speak the Gospel with your inherited authority, for you are called to be much more than a scribe.

Love is in His Name,

Melissa Norris

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