A Living Epistle

Jesus said, “Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at My feet. She is undistracted, and I won’t take this privilege from her.” Luke 10:42 TPT

I count it my greatest privilege to sit at Jesus’ feet undistracted. I hunger and thirst to know Him more intimately. I have a desire and an ache deep inside me for the deep of the heart of God. I desire Him above all else.

One morning as I was praying and watching the sunrise come over the mountains where I live, spilling its color over the waters of Klamath Lake. As the light inched its way into the day, so did my desire for the King of kings. A great ache formed from my deep longing for Him and Him alone. A burning hunger to know the movements of His holy breath. While I sat in the silence of His presence, I saw a picture of Jesus walking into the Temple and opening the Scroll to Isaiah 61 (Luke 4:16-21). As this image of Jesus unfolded, I heard Him reading about Himself, and my spirit leaped within me. Jesus said, “Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” I asked the Lord out of deep desire, “Would You please walk into my temple and read Yourself through me?” Then, I saw the Lord walk into my temple, open the Scripture, and read Himself through me! My desire is to be a living epistle from the heart of God and that people would see me and read Jesus. I never want to lose this wonder of Him. Jesus is my story, my desire, and I desire that when people see me, they are reading Him.

Years ago, I asked Jesus, “Will You come and sit next to me and read Your love letter to me?” WOW! Did He ever take me up on that invitation, and I am so grateful He did! Whenever we ask Him to read His heart to us, we know that He will. He will come and write His heartbeat onto ours and leave a passionate, burning heart for Him, the revealer of all love and truth. When Jesus opens His Scriptures within our hearts, it becomes revelation and not religion.

The Scriptures speak of our Jesus and His choice to become flesh and dwell among us. How He literally dwells on the inside of us. He wants our full gaze. He says, “Eyes on Me with singleness of heart. Wherever you open the Scripture, it speaks of Me. Look ahead; I am doing a new thing.” Let Jesus open His Word to you and read Himself to and through your temple. His Word is living, and we meet the Lord every time we read Him, the Word that became flesh. Ask for understanding. May we long to gain His understanding so that our hearts burn within us as we gaze at Jesus, an audience of one.
Lynda Renne

Sanctioned Love

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