A New Reset
Time spent with Jesus is never wasted. Papa God has been challenging me lately to be intentional about the I spend time with Him.
My time with Papa God used to look like this, reading the Bible for hours, journaling my thoughts and prayers, and then moving on with my day check my religious duty is fulfilled. I can now go on with my own agenda.
A few months ago, Jesus challenged me not to worry about a time frame or even bother with journaling during our time together. He said, “You could spend six hours a day reading novels; why don’t we read My story together and treat it like you have never read it before? Let Me show you the wonder of My love through fresh eyes.” So, that is what I’ve started doing.
I felt like I was supposed to purchase a Chronological Study Bible, packed with lots of historical, cultural, and archeological gems in the side notes.
I’m now reading His story, and He’s showing me new facets of His character and beauty every day! Has reading the Word and prayer become a chore for you?
Perhaps it’s time for a reset.
Ask Jesus what He thinks.
Nicole Boyd
Sanctioned Love