
Ode To Contentment


Contentment is a slippery thing,

It can come and go so fast.

I had it here a minute ago,

But it slipped right through my grasp.

I sat down for only a moment,

Turned on Facebook for a look-see,

And contentment was gone. 

Now, where could it be?

Oh, but basically, I am content.

I mean, I like myself, you know.

But I wouldn’t mind losing,

Ten pounds or so.

Now, I really like my house,

It is just perfect for me.

Although I wouldn’t mind adding,

A room or two or three.

As far as my kids,

At one time, I wanted more.

But I am happy with two.

Did I mention I wanted four?

Oh, and I have enough money,

Although I wouldn’t mind a bit more.

Money doesn’t buy happiness. 

That’s what those little plastic cards are for!

Ok, so I keep trying to be content,

But it keeps eluding me.

So what am I doing wrong?

Watching too much Netflix on T.V.?

And what about all this peace, love, and joy stuff?

Where does that all fit in?

Do I not have those,

Because of some hidden sin?

I work and work and work so hard,

Yet contentment seems just beyond my grasp.

And when I grab a hold of it,

It never seems to last!

Or maybe it’s not contentment, 

I should be working for.

Maybe I should be working on my walk with Jesus,

And then contentment will slip in the back door.


Rheyma Oosterman

Sanctioned Love


Perfect Your Love In Me

Perfect Your Love in Me

A few weeks ago, I had a bit of a health scare. I will not go into detail, but needless to say; I was freaked out. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor, but God spoke to me before I even went in. He gave me a promise to hold onto, something to keep my eyes pinned on while I waited for the results. He told me all was well. 

At that moment, I had a choice to make, am I going to live in fear, or am I going to trust God’s voice and what He told me? 

I can’t say I was perfect about trusting. There were many tears and lots of roiling in the pit of my stomach as I thought about the implications of a positive test result. So many thoughts bombarded me. “Who is going to take care of my family? I’m not ready to die; my kids are so young. I have not done everything God has called me to do yet.” 

This was a battle waged in my mind, and I had to lay it down before the Lord daily. Sometimes hourly. Sometimes by the second. 

I had a few people praying for me during that time–my husband, my parents, and my in-laws. I did not tell a lot of people what was going on. I chose to trust and lean on the people closest to me. I knew as soon as I started talking and allowing other people’s opinions to sway me from what God said, it could be rough. God already made a promise, and I was just waiting for the results to show that the physical lined up with that promise. 

During this time, I was taken to a scripture in 1 John about fear vs. love. 

Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 

1 John 4:18

I was scared; I’m not going to lie. I prayed, “God, perfect Your love in me.” I thought I had not been perfected in love. His love drives out fear, so I asked Him to help me and drive out the fear that was trying to clamp onto my heart. 

He is faithful. Now, the point is not that I got a good result. (Everything is 100% healthy as far as this issue is concerned). However, through this circumstance, God revealed pieces of my heart that I had no idea were festering. I realized I was dealing with a lot of baggage around grief. I had not fully grieved for people I had lost in the past, and God was faithful to bring (and is continuing to bring) healing into those areas. He was right by my side through the waiting. 

I have struggled with fear my entire life. As a child, I was afraid of the dark, of talking in front of people–well, of pretty much everything. I had to battle constantly to stand in faith, championed by my parents as they taught me what that actually looked like. I still had to battle in my teenage years, and public school was a battlefield in many ways. The Lord taught me how to overcome fear, leaning on Holy Spirit’s voice and presence as I walked through those halls. 

However, over recent years, I have felt like there hasn’t been a lot of battling with fear. So why all of a sudden was it rearing its ugly head again? I believe Satan was trying to bring distraction and chaos into my heart as I was getting ready to be a part of a powerful conference that the Sanctioned Love team put on this summer called, Awakening Wonder in the Families of the Kingdom. But even the fear of a positive diagnosis was not going to keep me from doing what God had placed on my heart to paint. Yes, I could have called them and backed out, but I was not going to allow the enemy to get the upper hand. God is always faithful. I did get a good report the day before the conference started, and it was confirmed on Friday night again. 

But what would have happened if I had gotten a “bad report”? God is still faithful. I am sure most of us have heard the quote: “Sometimes God rescues us from the fire, sometimes through the fire, and sometimes in the fire.” 

What does this mean? Well, in the circumstance I faced, He delivered me from the fire. All is well, and I can continue living my life for Him with purpose and passion. It has reminded me of what is important and to keep my eyes trained on Him, like Peter walking to Jesus in the midst of the storm. 

Sometimes He delivers us through the fire, meaning we have to walk through a season of testing. A diagnosis would not have been fun, but He would have been with me, just like God was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. He walked them through that fire and would have done the same for me. 

Sometimes, He delivers us in the fire. We walk through a diagnosis, and we have faith. We pray and receive prayer, and sometimes, we win by leaving behind our earthly bodies and being reunited with Jesus in Heaven. I’ve watched this scenario several times, which is why I think I was grieving so deeply when the thought of going through it myself was a possibility. 

The question is, do I still believe God heals? Yes! Do I still believe He wants us to walk in perfect health—mind, spirit, emotions, and body? Yes! So how do I reconcile that sometimes the physical doesn’t match up with what I believe? Sometimes this world does not make sense, but I know the One who created all things, Who is in all things. I don’t know why not every person I pray for gets healed. But, I do know that God is good. 

For in Him we live and move and have our being…

Acts 17: 28a NIV

Whether I live or die, it is for Him. And nothing can take me out of His hands. 

Was this ‘health scare’ a fun thing to walk through? No. But God is faithful. He showed me where I needed to adjust my heart and lean into His love more. He brought healing to grief I did not even realize I was still carrying. He is good–in every situation. And you can bet He will never leave us. 

“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” 

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV


Nicole Boyd

Sanctioned Love


Don’t Be a Saul, Be a Paul

Don’t be a Saul, be a Paul!

Photo by Stefan Munz

As I was studying for a teaching, the Lord showed me a picture of Paul when he was still Saul. I saw Saul as a villain in a Spaghetti Western (the low-budget films made in Italy during the 1960s and early 1970s.). 

Saul was an absolute villain! He hated Christians and even delighted in the stoning of them. He was the “strong-arm,” the one who ruled the town. He didn’t like “them Christians.” He was hell-bent on killing them or running them out of “his town.” He was consistently looking for a “showdown.” He was full of pride, which led him to believe that he was doing God a favor by getting rid of “all them Christians out there.” And in doing so, he was defending the God of Israel. Unfortunately, he was only defending the god of self

Pride kills destinies. Pride short-circuits timelines. Pride destroys.  

And Saul was full of it! 

Then I saw  Jesus show up like Clint Eastwood in the movie High Plains Drifter (can you hear the soundtrack in the background?) Jesus was standing on Straight Street (the road to Damascus) and looking out at the horizon. In the distance, Saul rode in on his “high horse.” All of a sudden, a light shone from Heaven. The light was so blinding that Saul fell off his high horse out of fear and astonishment. Saul could not see anyone, but he heard a voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard to kick against the goads.” Acts 26:14 

Now Goads were typically made from slender pieces of timber, blunt on one end and pointed on the other. Farmers used the pointed end to urge a stubborn ox into motion. Foolishly, an ox might kick against the goad, causing injury and pain to its leg.  (Christianity.com) 

Jesus was calling Saul a stubborn ox! Jesus was the goad! 

Saul was trembling, and with stammering lips, he asked, “Who are You, Lord?” Even though he could not see Him, Saul knew he was talking to someone with authority. He was actually talking to Jesus, the Sheriff of Heaven and Earth–the Sheriff of everything! Then Jesus said to him, “I AM Jesus whom you are persecuting.”

Saul was shaking in his sandals now. He was terrified! He asked the Lord, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” It was then that Jesus gave him his first assignment; “Go into the city, and you will be told what to do.” Saul needed to go and wait for instruction, and someone had to lead him because he could not see. (This was very humbling) 

Photo by Daniel Lloyd Bunk-Fernandez

Saul was knocked off his high horse of pride that day, and God humbled him. Saul could not see because of the blinding light. God gave him a visual-or not so visualpicture. Pride blinds us!  But, when we humble ourselves, we can be led into a safe place. 

 Humility, by the world’s definition, often implies diminished self-confidence. However, humility in the Bible means getting your confidence from God, who loves and values you more than you do yourself; it means believing what God says about you over anyone else’s opinion, including your own! 

 Humility requires embracing who you are in Christ over who you are in the flesh. To be biblically humble is to be so free of concern for your own ego that you unreservedly elevate those around you. 

                                      (Gentle Christian Parenting/Parenting in Christ-Dronen, Jackson)

 To lead with humility, we first need to know how God values us and get our confidence from Him.

 Leading with humility is a mark of maturity; pride, on the other hand, is like a demanding two-year-old. It (pride) is immature. It throws tantrums, wants its own way, and moves in comparison-“Johnny has more toys than me!”. Pride bullies people, especially if those people don’t think or do what pride wants. Pride is so ridiculously jealous. It manipulates, controls, blinds, and hinders peace. Yes, pride is sooo immature!

Photo by Alicia Quan

 But humility LOVES! It is the prized crown to lay at the feet of Jesus. It moves with all the lusciousness of the Fruit of the Spirit. It encourages “one-anothering.” It sees the gold in each person and calls it out in them. Humility is the poster child of The Cross of Jesus. 

 Humility is the essential ingredient for being a leader. You must be a servant before you can become a good leader. Jesus was the ultimate example of that.

 God, Himself had to humble Saul so He could position him as Paul.

The takeaway:

Photo by Zoltan Tasi

  It is better for us to fall on the Rock than for the Rock to fall on us!

Just ask Paul!


Joy Pharo

 Sanctioned Love


Could You Not Tarry?

Jesus had just taken His disciples into the Garden of Gethsemane and told them to pray. Then Jesus went a little further and prayed. When He returned, He found His disciples sleeping. He woke them and said;

Could you not tarry (watch) with Me one more hour? Matthew 26:40

Jesus left them again and told them to pray. But when He returned, He found them sleeping again.  

To tarry means to:

a: to delay or be tardy in acting or doing. b: to linger in expectation: wait. 2: to abide or stay in or at a place. (www.meriam-webster.com)

When you tarry, you are waiting and watching.  You are lingering in expectation for His presence.  

Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41

Could this be a clue as to why tarrying in prayer is so important?  I think so.  I believe that there are times when we must tarry. I believe waiting on the Lord strengthens us in ways nothing else can.  

I know for sure that if I am “prayed up,” I am “armored up,” then when I am tempted in life, I am strengthened in the power of Jesus’ might, and I can resist.  These are words of great importance to us!  

Tarrying goes against the flesh.  The flesh wants to get in and get out.  If we learn to practice His presence, the exchange far exceeds its weight in glory rather than leaving early just because we are in a hurry. 

I imagine the disciples would have stayed awake a while longer, wide awake, had they only known. 

So, what do you do if there is a prayer assignment and you are physically tired?  

You pray and stay. Press in, pray, and tarry there. There is almost always a supernatural exchange. When we do this, we can leave that place of prayer prepared, ready, and equipped with what we need when we need it.  

“When we learn to wait and tarry in prayer, we encounter His presence, and this brings much provision in the spirit.” Jen Meyers

Learning to wait is a discipline we must purposely learn.   If we will practice this principle in life, we will not be disappointed. A muscle of faith develops in the believer who practices waiting in expectation.

Waiting for the Lord with active anticipation is to be bound with Him until we know we have heard from or encountered Him.

Those who wait…

The idea of waiting might sound like a passive exercise; however, it is quite the opposite. When you are waiting, you actively and intentionally seek and focus with all your affections towards Him.  Waiting, or to wait for Him, is much more than sitting there doing absolutely nothing.                                             

Waiting means to wait actively with anticipation, watching with hope for God to act.                                                                                                                                             

Your heart position is to be one of an expectant attitude of faith seeking until you find or encounter.

“If we provide space for God to fill, He will fill it.” Jen Meyers

Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart.  Wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalms 27:14

To wait on Yahweh means: you are waiting for His help, putting your trust, hope, and confidence in Him.  You are active in your faith. Your heart is in a posture of faith towards God. You are sure and steadfast.  Your wait will be feeding on faith.  Just like peace is active, waiting is active. You are actively trusting, hoping, and waiting in faith. Seeking you will find it. Hallelujah.    

You are expecting deliverance through the promises of God; He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). He will do what He has promised.

What do you do when waiting on the Lord?

Occupy the moment and space you are in but do not forget that God will answer because He always does.  His timing is not always our timing, but His timing is always perfect.

Trust is developed in the waiting.  Those who have learned to wait on the Lord trust the Lord.  Those who trust the Lord do not mind waiting on the Lord, for they know He is faithful and good. 

Serving Jesus, as we tarry and wait together,

Jen Meyers

Sanctioned Love




I wrote a poem several years ago entitled “Do you long to belong?” You can find it nestled in the pages of my book “Messy Poems And Not-So-Private Prayers.”

This written piece came out of a prayer time of mine, but it is also a clarion call to anyone who has ears to hear it. It is based on the open invitation Jesus gives to anyone who will receive it. He is all about us being one with Him. 

In an age of stolen identities and so many diverse social perspectives, all calling to become connected to a system that says, “You should be one of us,” while all the while providing no substantiated truth to fold into. With all the worldly choices to choose from, identity issues have become more lonely, isolated, and divided.

But we have a unique song as the Children of our Heavenly Father. We have an anthem song of identity. 

The enemy of our Lord has unleashed lawlessness on the world. He is encroaching ever so suddenly. Boldly he has come out from behind his lair. Proudly roaring his desires to devour. He is so close you can almost see him in the crowd. He wants to consume those who have nowhere to belong, any wandering soul searching for a home. 

  Do you long to belong?

To be joined to, fixed to, or attached. To have your own inclusive title hanging as a banner over your life?

Do you long to belong as you gaze at this vast universe of great unknowns and to possess the great knowing of a for-sure?

Do you long to belong with a confidence that is for-sure? Cannot, will not, or could not ever be stolen from you?

Do you long to belong to a voice that shouts with authority? A voice that overpowers the principalities of darkness, ones that are longing to shut your mouth? To silence you with sickness, sadness, worry, doubt, isolation, rejection, or even abandonment?

Do you long to belong with a steadfastness that can close the void of the universe and bring heaven to earth by knowing that His Holy Spirit lives inside of you?

I was in my first moments of prayer time one day, and all I could seem to say was an anthem of truth, “I belong to you, Lord! I belong to you!” Louder and louder, my voice rang out. Soon, I was standing and praying to the air around me, “I belong to Him! I belong to Him!”

I knew at that moment that this great privilege was a shout of joy, a shout of victory, a shout of attachment, a shout of who I was to Him. 

And best of all, He was rejoicing with me. He was shouting right back to me. “Yes, yes, my beloved, you belong to Me! You belong to Me!”

In this current day and age, that may sound like a statement of suppression. But to those of us who know His love, this is our freedom song, that we belong eternally. 

This belonging is such a for-sure that it comes with the branding of intimacy. Our shouts become more personal, “I belong to you, Jesus, I belong to you, Lord.”

When I lay my head down at night and rise again in the early morning to a brand-new day full of grace, I can shout right from my bed. A fresh new cry of thanks. “It’s a great day to know your name. My day belongs to You.”

When I sit in a quiet place, like a piece of random silence that no one sees me in, I can still hear the silence around me, “Hello world! I just want to make it clear, I belong to His glorious kingdom, for He knows me. Even down to the hairs on my head!” 

When the enemy shouts his threats to devour my finances, my marriage, my children, my job, my very space, and place, I stand on the throne of my prayers and shout from this high place. “Don’t you dare, oh enemy of mine, because I am known by the Lord divine. He calls me friend and heir, and I belong to Him!”

Back in the biblical days, people flocked in those ancient streets to reach this man named Jesus, the Lord and Savior of the whole earth, for in their desperation, they longed for a touch. Desperate and driven with a purpose to connect. To connect even to the hem of His garment. To have a chance to receive a great healing. So many, so sick, no money to fix their plight. The neediest were stretching, pleading with their mouths, “Please, Sir, if you are willing, will you bring forth my healing?” 

We know from God’s word that each one who asked received from Jesus’ healing hand; not one was ever denied. But what they all did NOT know was the much more of what they were given, the much more He had to offer.

The healing, a sign of His divine power, yes. The touch of God’s own hand was a gift for sure, but the much more that lay before them was the offer of Eternal life. A gift of now belonging was being offered to them. His shout was, “You can now belong to Me; you can belong to Me for all Eternity!”

The promises to us who have received are too numerous to count. Our positions in Christ are too powerful for this short story right now. But the voice of our anthem, simple as it sounds, is a roar of his children, a vibration that says, “I belong to him!”

Will you personalize it with me and stand to your feet as we roar with one voice? A tribe in agreement, “I belong to you, Jesus, I belong to you, Lord!” 

May your shout be so loud that it drops down into your very own soul, creating a great attachment of joy, for in the end, this truth is always for you. For us to believe that He is our For-Sure, our longing fulfilled, the banner over our lives.

For we are His glory clouds, flying as His banners. We are large and bright, filling all the four corners of the earth. 

 We are His declarations that His kingdom is at hand. 

 We are a universe of people beating forth the rhythm of His time. 

 We all have been given giant banners stationed over our lives, waving for all the universe to see that we are the co-heirs in Christ. That He is coming back for us, that He is coming back for you, and for me, for we are His belonging.


We are His Bride.

I hope this poem piece roused your heart and soul to delight with the greatest of gratitude that you have been called and chosen by the Great I AM.

Love Melissa Norris

Messy Poems and Not So Private Prayers






Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24 

If you seek to go to the next level with God, passivity on your part is a big problem. You can get stuck in the same place wishing things would change, yet you aren’t making any effort to change. 

Picture by Gabriel Alenius

We say, “I am waiting on God,” which sounds great, except that you expect God or someone else to change your behavior for you. God could very well be waiting on you! Passivity is a killer to spiritual progress!  

How do you “GO to the next level?”

Picture by Jose Argones

First: Stop seeing yourself the way others see you.                                                                              

When David was going to fight Goliath, his older brother Eliab didn’t think David was able. He said, “What are you doing here? You just want to see the battle!” Eliab questioned David’s judgment, demeaned his work, and judged his motives. When you’re confident of who you are in Christ, know your calling and exercise your faith, you won’t be moved by what others, including friends and family members, say about you.

Second: Do not despise small beginnings. David made the most of where he was called to be, which gave him confidence, so when an opportunity arose, he was ready. He did not shy away or give up because he was “just a shepherd boy.” What seemed small and insignificant to almost everybody else became a destiny changer in the hands of David. 

Third: Create momentum for your future by your faithfulness today.                                                   Colossians 3:23 says: “Whatever you do, work at it heartily for the Lord and not for men.” Sadly, many believers are not growing in their spiritual walk with God simply because they’re not faithful where they are at the moment. Be diligent wherever God has you right now as David was. Create momentum for your future by your faithfulness today. 

Make a decision today. Start moving toward God, and momentum will follow!

Dear God,

I want to go to the next level with You. I know You want that too. Open my eyes to anything that may be blocking or hindering me. I thank and praise You for working, even if I don’t see or feel it because You are faithful.

 In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lynda Renne


A New Reset

A New Reset

Time spent with Jesus is never wasted. Papa God has been challenging me lately to be intentional about the I spend time with Him.

My time with Papa God used to look like this, reading the Bible for hours, journaling my thoughts and prayers, and then moving on with my day check my religious duty is fulfilled. I can now go on with my own agenda.

A few months ago, Jesus challenged me not to worry about a time frame or even bother with journaling during our time together. He said, “You could spend six hours a day reading novels; why don’t we read My story together and treat it like you have never read it before? Let Me show you the wonder of My love through fresh eyes.” So, that is what I’ve started doing. 

I felt like I was supposed to purchase a Chronological Study Bible, packed with lots of historical, cultural, and archeological gems in the side notes. 

I’m now reading His story, and He’s showing me new facets of His character and beauty every day!                     Has reading the Word and prayer become a chore for you?  

Perhaps it’s time for a reset. 

Ask Jesus what He thinks.

Nicole Boyd    


Sanctioned Love


The Glorious Mystery

  The Glorious Mystery

                     One Body with Many Members


For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.


For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable, we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 

1 Corinthians 12:12–27


God designed us to function as one unified whole. Isn’t it exciting that each one of us were created to be a facet of the collective Bride of Christ? 



 Colossians 1:16 says, (paraphrasing) “For in Him all things were created, and in Him, all things are perfectly fitted and held together.” 


That is what God is doing with His beautiful Bride. He is fitting us together in unity because He is the One holding us together. We, as His Bride, are His glorious mystery being revealed. What is this glorious mystery? It is Christ in us, the hope of glory. When the culmination of the ages converge in one moment, we as His Bride will be fitted perfectly together, and we will have the most beautiful gown ever designed or created. It will be from our unified white robes that our gown is being made. Our helmets, which we proudly wore because of the Blood of the Lamb and what Jesus did for us, will now be turned into an exquisite veil. Jesus will lift the veil from our eyes, and we will see who He is face to face. No longer seeing Him or one another with a veiled face, but seeing one another and Him in all Glory because of Him.

2 Corinthians 2:15-17, But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ’s triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For to God, we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To some, we are an aroma of death leading to death, but to others, an aroma of life leading to life. Who is adequate for these things? For we do not market the Word of God for profit like so many. On the contrary, we speak with sincerity in Christ, as from God and before God.

We, the Bride of Christ, are a unified body, so beautifully fit together and held together by God. The anointing we carry and the fruit we cultivate are His very fragrance. We are His Bride, and we are the purpose of His heart for such a time as this!

In closing:

Here are some “Kingdom Keys” to consider as we unite together as the Bride of Christ.

  • Unity and “one anothering” is essential.

  • Knowing that each one of us is a beautiful facet of Him.

  • Cultivating our fruit.

  • We can only usher in a harvest by doing it together.

  • Have the liberty to move in the gifting God has given you. You are a hand, a foot, an eye, an ear; collectively, we are His Body and His Bride.

  • Celebrating one another always!

 As we get closer to the imminent return of our King Jesus, may we, as His Bride, come together in one Spirit and in one accord. May we lock arms on the battlefield as His Bride with Army Boots, and may we in one voice cry out, “Maranatha, “Our Lord has come, and He is coming back again. Selah!

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Blessings and Maranatha,

Joy Pharo

Sanctioned Love


Holy Love, Holy Grace

The other day a lady from my childhood commented on my Facebook post, and she said, 

“Oh, Jenny, I’m so proud of you. I remember you in children’s church; you were such a precious little girl.” 


That comment made me wish I could’ve been her watching my child-self while I worshiped and interacted with Jesus.  Knowing what I know now, I would’ve asked…..

“Do you know how much Jesus loves you? ‘Cause He does!” 

As a little girl, I truly loved Jesus and wanted everyone to know Him.  I held little “Jesus Crusades” in elementary school during recess.  But my burden was that I didn’t understand that when I made mistakes, Jesus still loved me.  I thought I needed to be perfect to be loved.  I had a performance-driven mentality.  I never wanted to disappoint Him.  I just wanted Him to love me and be proud of me.

I obviously made mistakes, and I felt bad about it, but I lived in shame and guilt all the time. I would repent for my sins, but I never felt freedom from guilt or shame.  I still saw myself as a sinner.  I had a great fear of punishment. 


The word of God says, 

Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love.  1 John 4:8 NLT

Because I didn’t understand His grace or His love, I began to lose hope and the Joy of my Salvation…By the age of 16, I gave up on Christianity, which meant I gave up on the ONE who truly loved me. While there was a BIG buildup of reasons why the biggest reason was my lack of understanding of the grace and love of Jesus!  I knew God hated sin, and since I  was still sinning, somehow I interpreted that as “He hated me.” 

Those around me didn’t understand grace, and they had their own interpretation of love.  Even though we are ALL saved by grace through faith, we don’t fully understand grace. It’s mind-blowing and undeserved.  This makes it hard to explain.   Grace enables us to live a victorious and abundant life. This critical message of grace and love is the biggest game-changer a believer can receive.

I now have three grown men I’ve raised. I struggled with fear off and on raising them. I tried to explain grace through faith, but I feel that’s something that we learn from Him or through our own experience supernaturally.

Who can truly explain grace?  


Those who’ve lived under the law know the struggle. As human beings, we struggle to understand the things of God, and it’s only by His grace through the Spirit that we learn the things of Him. As far as grace goes, until you blow it or someone else you love blows it, you may not have a good picture of what grace looks like.  God will reveal it to you when you need it. 

Have you ever had to extend grace to someone?  It’s easier to have grace for someone when you feel like they deserve it, but when they don’t deserve it, that’s a whole other thing.  

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8


God’s grace is unmerited: not adequately earned or deserved 

Grace: grace, in Christian theology, is the spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favor in the salvation of sinners and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification. (Encyclopedia Britannica)


“God’s favor toward the unworthy.”  

We don’t have to be worthy to receive it.  He showers it on the one who reaches out for it.  Grace is the enabling source given to us to be who He transforms us to be and do all that He calls us to do.  It’s He that gets the glory, all the glory.  A person surrendered to a most loving and gracious Father will be loved, and grace will fall like rain! 

If I would have met someone who was deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, they could have helped me begin to scratch the surface of understanding what His Love paid for and what grace meant.  

My words to my child-self would have been chosen carefully. They would have been seasoned well with grace and love, heavy on His faithfulness and His goodness.  I would’ve stressed the importance of trusting Him to complete the work that He began in me and with me.  I would have emphasized that He IS Holy Love and Grace. When He disciplines those He loves, He does it with Holy Love, which will draw you to repentance, and His grace is enough.  We know He’s good, and His mercy endures forever.  Instead of looking at discipline as punishment, look at discipline coming from the One who loves us and draws us through His loving kindness.  We should run to judgment. Judgment from THE ONE WHO knows all, sees all, and loves ALL. He wants the best for us, and He will constantly work for us.  He is so good!

Oh, get wrapped in His perfect love!

Jen Meyers

Sanctioned Love


Passivity Is Not The Same As Peace

  Passivity Is Not The Same As Peace

As I have gotten older, I have learned that I can’t “sweat the small stuff” like I used to do. I have not perfected this, but at least I know what this saying means. The many seasons of my life have shown me that I have way less control over what things look like than I ever thought possible. Though I am not completely rounded, many of my square edges have been rubbed off by the natural grindings of life. I realized that I was starting to relax more and, well……care less. This seemed to be a good thing at first. But as days wore on, I began to talk to the Lord more and more about my lack of drive. Why was I feeling so flat? Was it because I had to lay so many things down in my life that I had forgotten how to pick them back up again? What was it? I was sincerely petitioning Jesus. That’s when I heard the Holy Spirit whisper this truth challenge in prayer one day. “Melissa, to be passive is not peace” Ouch! 

Was I giving myself permission to feel less, care less, or contribute less? Was I bumping into a wall or maybe some sort of self-protection? This approach definitely makes things seem easier, but it is most definitely NOT peace. 

Peace is not a passive disconnect; peace requires action

Peace takes action words like faith, completeness, harmony, and well-being. All components of our willingness to grow, stretch, and believe. Believe is also a HUGE action word because it requires more than a thought. 

To “believe” is a product of choice, and we all know that choice is most often challenged. 

Peace in our daily lives comes to us as a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). The peace the Holy Spirit brings is contentment, and wholeness, no matter the circumstances.

Let’s focus on the following verses as they will sum up this entire conversation. They will settle you but not pacify you. These Scriptures are some of the Divine Words that our Savior died for; they are His living Words for us to eat and digest. Words that promote a choice to stir up the action of His supernatural gift of peace.

Berean Study Bible
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9

Amplified Bible
“HE MUST TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT. HE MUST SEARCH FOR PEACE [with God, with self, with others] AND PURSUE IT EAGERLY [actively—not merely desiring it]. 1Peter 3:11 

New American Standard Bible
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 

Amplified Bible
Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed, you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always]. Colossians 3:15 

New International Version
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 

Amplified Bible
Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:27  

New Living Translation
Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11 

May this blog create a more in-depth investigation in your journey for true peace.

Love, from one seeker to another. 

Your sister in Christ,

Melissa Norris