
Confessions of an Aging Mom

Well, here I am AGAIN, standing in my shower with the water washing over me and giving each one of my children to God for the hundredth time! 

I have been a believer for 60 years, and there’s just something about our children that makes it difficult to entrust them to the Lord completely. I have four adult children, and three of them have their own children. I have witnessed miracles in each of their lives, but the need to give them over to Jesus never seems to go away completely. I seem to specialize in giving them over….and then taking them back!

It started the day we found out we were pregnant with our oldest son: “Jesus, we give this baby to You. We trust Your help and guidance ’cause we certainly don’t know what we’re doing!”  Then, that day arrives when parenting becomes a reality, and the prayers begin to flow. Prayers of thanksgiving one minute, and pleas for sleep the next!

Then starts the walk-through childhood, then adolescence, and teen years: 

“I am trusting You, Lord, to bring this fever down; take away nightmares; heal her ears; help him stand up to bullies; help me know how to discipline; deal with broken hearts of first-loves, but most of all, I am trusting You to make Yourself known to them!

Adulthood lands, and parenting does NOT come to a tidy finish line! By now, many other voices have influenced those ears that were once mostly ours. The influence continues as higher education, jobs, and spouses come into their lives. The “evidence” of their connection to God takes on changes. Their own “journeys of faith” are being set into place. I find myself concerned with what I see and hear, but then He reminds me…. AGAIN that He’s got this. So, into the shower I go (that seems to be my “tent of meeting”), and I prayerfully hand them over one more time. He is faithful to remind me of His promises regarding my children and their children. My favorite verse is Proverbs 22:6, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they’re old, they will not turn from it.”  He doesn’t promise their doctrines will look and sound just like mine, but their hearts will be His. I see the great testimony in the way they love and tend to their parents. We feel very honored by them.

There are so many wonderful scriptures regarding God’s covering of our children.  No matter how long you’ve been in this parenting gig, I encourage you to look them up and be washed over, encouraged, and re-set in His Divine Security.  

Marcy Johnston

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