
Do You Ever Stop and Wonder?

“But at midnight, there was a cry. Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”

Matthew 25:6

Do you ever stop and wonder about this cry? A lovesick cry, a cry full of anticipation, and a cry that has been resounding through the ages, from a heart that is yearning?


Finally! The lover of our soul is here.!

In Genesis, it started with a marriage union. In the Gospels, Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding. In Revelation, the crescendo of all time, we will celebrate with our Bridegroom at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

This is true love! This was God’s plan from the beginning! Communion-Co-union with us! 

We became betrothed to God as we made a vow to Him in faith when we said, “I receive You as my Lord and Savior Jesus.” 

We are married to Him. He lifts us to Him in the air and gazes into our eyes, face to face, and kisses us! 

“Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth, for Your love is more delightful than wine. Kiss me and kiss me again, for Your love is sweeter than wine”.

Song of Solomon 1:2

There is an expectancy in the air. There is a beautiful aroma that permeates the atmosphere. The sound of glory is coming our way! We are waiting for our Prince of Peace, the King of kings, riding on His white horse, coming to sweep us off of our feet. Yes, a divine romance is coming to its full fruition!!!

“My beloved is mine, and I am His; He grazes among the lilies.” Song of Solomon 2:16

What a glorious day that will be when our Bridegroom Jesus comes for His bride and carries us over the threshold. A beautiful bride, clothed without spot or wrinkle, in her elegant white gown.

These are the days of the Bridegroom. A revival is coming that will leave us longing for the Bridegroom, and we will cry out, 


“Come our Lord Jesus, come quickly.” 


Joy Pharo

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