Sometimes I get so focused on me,
I seem to be the only person I can see.

Even though I look out into the crowd,
It all seems to blur ‘cuz the inside of me is screaming so loud.

I try and look interested, and I try to be there,
But the louder the inside of me screams, all I can do is stare.

I can hear you talking; I can see your mouth move,
But for the life of me–what you said–I haven’t got a clue.

All these red flags, you’d think I’d know by now,
I would have seen them earlier……somehow.

But no, here I am again,
Overwhelmed with me and all that is within.
Trying to figure it out on my own,
Feeling pretty much alone.
But then I take a step back, sooner than before,
And I realize God is not keeping score.

I don’t have to fix it all or make my life look pretty,
Before I approach God and see if He will accept me.
Here I am once again, Jesus, bowing down at Your throne,
Giving it all back, asking You to let me come home.
The smile on Your face and love in Your eyes,
Say, come to Me, Rheyma, you’re TOTALLY accepted, not despised.

You wrap Your arms around me as I melt into Your side,
Why do I forget that’s why You died?
You died AND ROSE AGAIN; without that, You wouldn’t be You,
Your victory over the grave kicked Satan’s “tuty-tu.”

Jesus, I can’t fix it, and doing it “my way” brought me here,
So I think I will just rest my head on Your chest and let You steer.
Rheyma Oosterman

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