Multi-Member ofPower Prayer Warriors
We are a multi-member team who run deep in the current of love and unity. This love and unity promote an atmosphere of covering and safety and create a gentle force bringing all the elements of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctioned Love Team
Prayer & Prophetic Ministry
The Sanctioned Love Team is unique in how they minister to individuals in prayer and the prophetic. They are a multi-member team of powerful prayers who run deep in the current of love and unity. This love and unity promote an atmosphere of covering and safety and create a gentle force bringing all the elements of the Holy Spirit. Individuals walk away from this team knowing the love, encouragement, knowledge, counsel, comradery in warfare, prophecy, and confirmations of the one who loves them best, the Holy Trinity.

Sanctioned Love Team
Prayer & Prophetic Ministry
The Sanctioned Love Team is unique in how they minister to individuals in prayer and the prophetic. They are a multi-member team of powerful prayers who run deep in the current of love and unity. This love and unity promote an atmosphere of covering and safety and create a gentle force bringing all the elements of the Holy Spirit. Individuals walk away from this team knowing the love, encouragement, knowledge, counsel, comradery in warfare, prophecy, and confirmations of the one who loves them best, the Holy Trinity.

Marcy Johnston
Inner Healing & Wholeness Ministry
It is my desire and passion to see people walk in the fullness of their destiny–not just "I have eternal life"--but the whole package that is ours through our Savior! We have access to eternity, but we also have access to healing, deliverance, and freedom in this life on "earth as it is in heaven."

Marcy Johnston
Inner Healing & Wholeness Ministry
It is my desire and passion to see people walk in the fullness of their destiny–not just "I have eternal life"--but the whole package that is ours through our Savior! We have access to eternity, but we also have access to healing, deliverance, and freedom in this life on "earth as it is in heaven."

Rapha Restoration Place
Rapha Restoration Place
Jehovah Our Healer- Rapha (raw-faw). Marcy Johnston of RRP and Vp of Sanctioned Love Ministries, "This project carries the chambers of my heart!"
Jehovah, is derived from the Hebrew word Havah which can be translated as to be, to exist, or to become known. The Hebraic translation of Rapha (rapa) means to restore or to heal.
Vision- To partner with Rapha (Healer) Gos in bringing restoration to individuals and families...body, mind, and spirit.
Mission- To restore people to Abundant Life--both Bio and Zoe-- through prayer, healing gifts, counseling, prophetic ministry, and deliverance. We believe that the sanctioned and ratifyinglove of God is the true source of all transformation and healing.
Feel free to check out this healing branch HERE

Rapha Restoration Place
Rapha Restoration Place
Jehovah Our Healer- Rapha (raw-faw). Marcy Johnston of RRP and Vp of Sanctioned Love Ministries, "This project carries the chambers of my heart!"
Jehovah, is derived from the Hebrew word Havah which can be translated as to be, to exist, or to become known. The Hebraic translation of Rapha (rapa) means to restore or to heal.
Vision- To partner with Rapha (Healer) Gos in bringing restoration to individuals and families...body, mind, and spirit.
Mission- To restore people to Abundant Life--both Bio and Zoe-- through prayer, healing gifts, counseling, prophetic ministry, and deliverance. We believe that the sanctioned and ratifyinglove of God is the true source of all transformation and healing.
Feel free to check out this healing branch HERE

Megan Stockwell
Worship Ministry
Worship - the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
Worship is a HUGE part of Sanctioned Love. Worship is not just about playing music and singing songs. It is a posture of our hearts to God. Coming surrendered to His will, purpose, plans, passion and heart for us. Worshiping God can be expressed in many ways! We can worship God loudly with praise, dancing and authority. We also can come quietly and sweetly to sit at His feet, and wait for Him to meet us in the secret place.
The Sanctioned Love Worship Team has a heart to meet the Father and bring Heaven to Earth. Our hearts are to lead people to have an encounter with Jesus.

Megan Stockwell
Worship Ministry
Worship - the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
Worship is a HUGE part of Sanctioned Love. Worship is not just about playing music and singing songs. It is a posture of our hearts to God. Coming surrendered to His will, purpose, plans, passion and heart for us. Worshiping God can be expressed in many ways! We can worship God loudly with praise, dancing and authority. We also can come quietly and sweetly to sit at His feet, and wait for Him to meet us in the secret place.
The Sanctioned Love Worship Team has a heart to meet the Father and bring Heaven to Earth. Our hearts are to lead people to have an encounter with Jesus.

Joy Pharo
Children's Ministry
Our vision is to raise young leaders to know the heart of the Father, fall in love with Jesus, and know the power of the Holy Spirit. We are developing new, exciting, and innovative programs to train up young leaders for the Kingdom of God.

Joy Pharo
Children's Ministry
Our vision is to raise young leaders to know the heart of the Father, fall in love with Jesus, and know the power of the Holy Spirit. We are developing new, exciting, and innovative programs to train up young leaders for the Kingdom of God.

Joy Pharo
The Mane Event Movement
The Mane Event Movement is a ministry of Christian youth 11-13 years old, who long to bring support to each other and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit to their Josiah Generation. It is a peer-to- peer ministry. This ministry is led by Joy Pharo. Her heart is to instill identity and destiny into these young ones, so they can instill it to one another. They are developing friendships, unity together and with the Holy Spirit.
Feel free to check out our website at:
You can email us at:

Joy Pharo
Children's Ministry
The Mane Event Movement is a ministry of Christian youth 11-13 years old, who long to bring support to each other and healing through the power of the Holy Spirit to their Josiah Generation. It is a peer-to- peer ministry. This ministry is led by Joy Pharo. Her heart is to instill identity and destiny into these young ones, so they can instill it to one another. They are developing friendships, unity together and with the Holy Spirit.
Feel free to check out our website at:
You can email us at:

Joy Pharo
Prophetic Mantles
Joy Pharo is a cheerleader of identities in Christ. She cheers people on in the Lord through prophetic words and prophetic written Mantles. She has a heart to see people propelled into their God-given identity and destiny.

Joy Pharo
Prophetic Mantles
Joy Pharo is a cheerleader of identities in Christ. She cheers people on in the Lord through prophetic words and prophetic written Mantles. She has a heart to see people propelled into their God-given identity and destiny.

Melissa Norris
Literary Ministry
All members of the Sanctioned Love team have created wonderful literary language that has touched all who have read them. You can find these written on the pages of our books and our media sites.
Melissa Norris, however, uses her creative writings to a whole other level when she speaks her lyrical poems at our Sanctioned Love events. They are actually forms of ministry as they each hold the potential for growth in their unique perspectives. Each piece pointing to God's Kingdom. Each piece calling out to the hearts and minds of the hearer. Each piece drawing the listener into the loving hands of the Great I AM.

Melissa Norris
Literary Ministry
All members of the Sanctioned Love team have created wonderful literary language that has touched all who have read them. You can find these written on the pages of our books and our media sites.
Melissa Norris, however, uses her creative writings to a whole other level when she speaks her lyrical poems at our Sanctioned Love events. They are actually forms of ministry as they each hold the potential for growth in their unique perspectives. Each piece pointing to God's Kingdom. Each piece calling out to the hearts and minds of the hearer. Each piece drawing the listener into the loving hands of the Great I AM.

Nicole Boyd
Prophetic Arts
Arts and Entertainment is a powerful way to display the heart of God for people. It is Sanctioned Love’s passion to partner with Holy Spirit through divine creativity to bring healing, freedom, and awakening to those to whom we minister. We believe that the Arts have been coming from the “back-burner” of the church to the “stage front” and have begun to be a vehicle for Holy Spirit to move. We want to be a part of the arts, in faith-based avenues, to help spread the Light and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
One of the ways Holy Spirit has been able to move is through prophetic art. Nicole Boyd has been painting prophetically with Sanctioned Love for about four years. She loves seeing this dimension of worship used to ignite passion and hope in people who encounter what is put on canvas. She feels that art is a way to bring “heaven to earth,” giving a physical representation of what is happening in the Spirit realm.

Nicole Boyd
Prophetic Arts
Arts and Entertainment is a powerful way to display the heart of God for people. It is Sanctioned Love’s passion to partner with Holy Spirit through divine creativity to bring healing, freedom, and awakening to those to whom we minister. We believe that the Arts have been coming from the “back-burner” of the church to the “stage front” and have begun to be a vehicle for Holy Spirit to move. We want to be a part of the arts, in faith-based avenues, to help spread the Light and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
One of the ways Holy Spirit has been able to move is through prophetic art. Nicole Boyd has been painting prophetically with Sanctioned Love for about four years. She loves seeing this dimension of worship used to ignite passion and hope in people who encounter what is put on canvas. She feels that art is a way to bring “heaven to earth,” giving a physical representation of what is happening in the Spirit realm.

Lynda Renne
Fort Renn Revival Center
- Private ministry with Sanctioned Love
- Leadership training with Sanctioned Love
- Team or Leadership Retreat
- Rent personally via VRBO or AIR BNB

Lynda Renne
Fort Renn Revival Center
- Private ministry with Sanctioned Love
- Leadership training with Sanctioned Love
- Team or Leadership Retreat
- Rent personally via VRBO or AIR BNB
Joy Pharo
Social Media Department
We are on multiple social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, where we post our upcoming events, snippets, blogs, and a plethora of interesting and engaging content. We are grateful for these platforms to spread the
Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sanctioned Love Team
"P.R.E.S.S. stands for Praying Relentlessly Expecting Sovereign Solutions. This is a prayer class that Sanctioned Love has created from scratch. The curriculum was written by Lynda Renne, the President of Sanctioned Love. This project is currently being revamped in order to produce a product that Sanctioned Love can sell to further the teaching of prayer. There will be a teacher's manual, prayer journal, and the recorded video teachings. Stay tuned for more information."