
Ode To Contentment


Contentment is a slippery thing,

It can come and go so fast.

I had it here a minute ago,

But it slipped right through my grasp.

I sat down for only a moment,

Turned on Facebook for a look-see,

And contentment was gone. 

Now, where could it be?

Oh, but basically, I am content.

I mean, I like myself, you know.

But I wouldn’t mind losing,

Ten pounds or so.

Now, I really like my house,

It is just perfect for me.

Although I wouldn’t mind adding,

A room or two or three.

As far as my kids,

At one time, I wanted more.

But I am happy with two.

Did I mention I wanted four?

Oh, and I have enough money,

Although I wouldn’t mind a bit more.

Money doesn’t buy happiness. 

That’s what those little plastic cards are for!

Ok, so I keep trying to be content,

But it keeps eluding me.

So what am I doing wrong?

Watching too much Netflix on T.V.?

And what about all this peace, love, and joy stuff?

Where does that all fit in?

Do I not have those,

Because of some hidden sin?

I work and work and work so hard,

Yet contentment seems just beyond my grasp.

And when I grab a hold of it,

It never seems to last!

Or maybe it’s not contentment, 

I should be working for.

Maybe I should be working on my walk with Jesus,

And then contentment will slip in the back door.


Rheyma Oosterman

Sanctioned Love

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