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Staying Hungry
“Stay hungry”
What do you think when you hear those words?
Do you think, “keep an appetite for something yummy,” “don’t overeat,” “some weird diet fad,” or maybe you think, “I am always hungry!” When I say these words, I am not talking about food at all. I do love food, but we will save that for another blog!
Luke 8:21a, says, “God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied.”
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Being hungry for Jesus is so important. Sometimes, however, sometimes when we experience “spiritual highs” we forget to keep pursuing Jesus full force.
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These “spiritual highs” can come in many forms. We can experience them after an amazing conference or a word we received that was so “spot on” we knew Jesus saw us and the things we were going through. It could be a simple, yet powerful, encounter with Jesus, or it could even be a quiet whisper from Him during your prayer time. There are so many ways a “spiritual high” can come. There is nothing wrong with having a “spiritual high” and feeling “spiritually full,” but we cannot stay there. We should never feel like we “have arrived” and are good where we are in our walk with Jesus.
Something you may have experienced, I know I have, is when you have found yourself in a “season of war” where you are fighting, contending for breakthrough and revelation, but once you receive it, you need a break. We are, after all, human. Our flesh gets physically tired from the spiritual fighting. We can have “spiritual highs” and “spiritual lows,” but we must always be pursuing the Father’s heart for our lives and for others.
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We are taught to stop eating when we are full or on the verge of being full. As Christians, we are supposed to be full of God’s Word at all times! “Switching brains” can be the biggest challenge with staying hungry while also staying full. As I keep trying to grow in this department-I’m talking spiritually, not food-I have learned a few things that I would like to share with you.
As a friend of Jesus, I don’t like doing things because the Bible says so or people tell me I must. I want to understand the why. If we do not understand the heartbeat and the why we usually end up “doing” just because, which then can become religious. I try to stay so far away from anything that even smells religious. I want to learn and understand how to stay full and stay hungry all at the same time.
In the physical you can be hungry and not know what you are hungry for or what even sounds good. In the Spirit, however, your hunger is for more of Jesus. When you have tasted and seen His goodness in your life, you want more. You then begin to trust Him with bigger and deeper things in your life. As you continue to see Him be more faithful in your life, you know that He sees you, and your hunger to know Him more begins to grow and grow.
When we have struggles, our hunger can also grow. When you are hungry, even when you are full, you know you have experienced life with Jesus. You know He is good and faithful. You know He loves you, will provide and take care of you. You know He sees you, chooses you, and has placed you where you are for a purpose. You wake up in the morning, and the first thing you want to do is spend time with Jesus. You want to hear what He wants to say about your day, about you, about a friend or loved one, about your job, or your family. You want to hear whatever He has to say to you.
But if you find yourself not being the person I described above, know that there is no shame what-so-ever. Jesus never shames us. We all have seasons where “life happens” and things come up, but we cannot stay there.
When you feel your blood sugar dropping, you might eat a small power bar to get some quick nutrition because if you don’t, your blood sugar will crash soon. It is kind of the same with our relationships with Jesus. God cares about the intentions of our hearts and the actions we take. He always has grace and mercy towards us, but it does take effort and persistence on our part to make sure we get that spiritual power bar every day! Jesus is our power bar! He sustains us in the storms. He provides when we are lacking. He gives us strength when we are weak. His love covers everything! Why would we not want more of Him?
I believe that there are two crowds of people that this blog mainly pertains to. Those who have been to the table of God, have tasted and seen that He is good, and those who have not been to God’s table, haven’t tasted or seen that He is good yet have a yearning to taste something fulfilling and lasting. Jesus is the answer for it all.
If you have tasted and seen the goodness of Jesus, get back up to the table and see what else He has for you. He may want to show you a new dream, a new passion, a new friend, or a new person who needs to know Him, possibly a family member or co-worker. He may want to lead you into a new career. He may want to share something with you that’s especially for this day and age and why you exist in this time. He wants to speak to you! Come to the table! Come with a hungry palette!
To those that have not tasted and seen, He has chosen you for such a time as this. He desires for you to know Him like He knows you. He knows what makes you cry and what makes you smile. He knows what you want for life and your family. He knows your deepest heart desires. He wants a relationship with you!
People need to know Jesus, not just know of Him. Knowing of Him is not enough. We must be hungry for Him and His ways. Get to know Him and stay hungry for Him, continually yearning for more. God is not a genie in a bottle. He wants to have a relationship with us. He wants to share with us and, in return, wants us to share with Him.
Let us come to the table.
Come hungry, stay full.
Come hungry again.
Megan Stockwell
Sanctioned Love