
War Room

Let’s talk about why we, as Jesus’ followers, need to attend and participate in God’s Holy War Room. 


You may also be asking, “What is a War Room?”


A War Room is a space where people can gather to work through a major incident or a strategic process, helping these individuals make quick confirming decisions. Here are some benefits and purposes of a war room. 

  •  War rooms are designed to boost collaboration and information flow. 
  •  War rooms can help make decision-making more responsible. 
  •  War rooms are helpful when a large number of people are needed to resolve an incident as quickly as possible. 
  • War rooms can help ensure better project management. 
  • War rooms are all about strategy, strategy, strategy!

See, God has a very important plan for mankind, and He wants to use us, His people, to help accomplish it.  

2 Corinthians 5:19-21 says God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s trespasses against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

This Scripture makes it very clear: We need to take our posts and our commissionings very seriously. We must gather together spiritually as warriors and ambassadors. We must link our hearts and minds to fight the good fight. We need to use the strategies He wants us to use to save the lost and set the captives free.

We may not all be able to get to a specific physical location, but we can all freely access His Throne Room! The Holy Spirit’s War Room is a place we enter through prayer! 

Here is where we can gather together for strategic-focused prayer. We must also come into the alinement and power of unity as a body of believers. Unity of the brethren increases our mighty tribe. Always remember this is an open format for us as His children—and the more the merrier.The bigger the army, the greater the force. All of us are standing for the same KINGDOM, and all of us have the same ENEMY—the evil one who is after all of us, proposing to isolate us,  overcome us , and attack us. We may all have separate offices located in different areas or states, but we do all have the same Sovereign Chief, and we know His location is in His Holy Headquarters.

Here is a small portion of one of my poems. I wrote this to share at our last Amazing Pursuit Conference titled GATHER. It is a war room song.

GATHER, it rings the sound of an old-fashioned word. Have you ever heard this age-old hymn; it’s still sung today by people all around the world.


“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;

He chastens and hastens His will to make known;

The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing: Sing praises to His name; He forgets not his own.”


This beautiful hymn was originally a Dutch patriotic folk song. It was written in the early sixteenth hundreds to celebrate the Netherlands’ freedom from the Spiritual and financial oppression of their Spanish rulers.


It took seven northern provinces gathering together to form a collective assembly large enough to wage this revolt. Not only did they have to collect this assembly of individuals, but they also, had to keep the passion for their freedom alive through several generations. See, history tells us that this battle for Spiritual independence lasted for nearly 80 years.


That is why this song has been passed on, translated, and then re-composed into the hymn we sing today. It is a powerful rendition of how victory transcends ages, rulers, nations, and powers. It took more than the Dutch coming into agreement that day; it took their tangible determination to stay in their gathered positions in order to win this war.

So when we, the Church, sing this age-old hymn, we are reminded of what the power of Gathering can do. We sing the victorious words of the apostle Paul:  The words that remind us that we are a united front—a chosen congregation. We have been given the God-ordained rights to fight for our Spiritual freedoms, and in the end, we will win this war—light over darkness, life over death; Spirit over flesh; Heaven over Hell; His people in position; His pearly gates swung wide open; His Warring Angels rejoicing.


“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual FORCES of evil in the heavenly places.”

                                                                                                                 —Ephesians 6:12

Not to start this poem out with STATING a negative, but it’s important to say that we live in an age where gathering is mostly VIRTUAL. The whole world shifted to the internet due to the spread of Covid. Even the church went online during this pandemic trend. The information was all there, and the teachings were the same, but the enemy knew he had us scattered. With our local numbers on hold, we became dispersed, and distracted. We became individuals who worked mostly on our own, living our lives in separate corners, standing at least six feet to the side.

 Did we lose the concept of networking, the needed weavings of support? Did we lose the much around the Word comradery, the hand in hand, the I’ve got your back support? Did we become so scattered that our forces became unavailable? Where had all the locals gone? Would collecting the need of some tangible arms take too long? Too much distance? Too dispersed to gather? The power of the congregation fizzled into gray. What about the calling, the calling of our local warriors, shouting out loud?  It’s time to hold the adversary at bay.

I know this sounds harsh. I know we live in a modern world. I know we are all trying to keep up with the demands of each and every day. I’m also fully aware that the internet has been incredibly useful, facilitating exposure and spreading the Word of God around the world, but I must trust that your catching my point. For:


“We MUST gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;

He chastens and hastens His will to make known;

The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His name; He forgets not his own.”

Gathering together has always been needed.. It’s the backbone to man-kind’s survival. Despite his ATTITUDE for independence, he has a strong need for social bonds, and like our ancestors we are all more dependent on one another then we may ever know. The sharing of our food, the caring for our young and old. The building of community structures, from shelters to hospitals, houses to churches, places that hold and maintain some of our culture, and places to buy and sell. All the needed support systems we rely on to survive.

We must defend this community structure.  We cannot let our guard down. We cannot forget the necessity of gather. We cannot RELY simply on our technology.. and we most  definitely cannot allow our connection to each other become so vague that we text instead of talk, we send instead of showing up, we click multiple emojis instead of a soft touch, or concentrating on the hundreds of pictures we take of ourselves instead of taking the time to invite. 

Who’s standing on God’s mounted hill waving and carrying the flag of Jehovah Nissi? Who’s on the Lord’s battlefield fighting for the family? For the spiritual forces of darkness to be overcome???

Again, I don’t mean to sound so harsh.but who’s winning this war anyway? This much we know: our enemy is calling our bluff and he is definitely standing on the front lines. He has called his own forces and they have shown up, unleashing his demonic ranks to help him as he longs to kill, steal, and destroy..

The enemy hates Jesus! He hates it when God’s people come together. He hates everything about the truth. He hates our families. He hates our victories. He hates it when we are growing in Christ. He hates God’s Word. And he definitely hates everything about the power of gather and comradery. Do you know why?

Because Satan knows that the Word To Gather is a Word that leads us to strength. It’s a Word to assemble the TROOPS. It’s a call to converge over darkness. A Word to congregate in the light, and when we collect, choose, flock, meet, show up, or huddle in Christ and His resurrection power, Satan can only be defeated. For we serve a risen King! That is why!

Gathering is an action! And it’s shouting, beaconing, ringing its bells, and it’s calling out to us. Do you hear it? Listen! It’s ringing the sounds of Heaven. Trumpets are blasting their clarion calls. The Holy Shafar’s are raised and piercing the airwaves. The voices of the saints are shouting all DECLARATIVE signals that something of significance is happening within the life of His church, His Bride—Salvations, Deliverances, Healings, Deaths and Births, or maybe a mighty Clarion call to arms.

It’s definitely ringing and echoing all across the earth. “Come one, and come all!” Loudly heaven is calling. “Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Assemble and know I have placed My power at the center of your gather.” So put your persuasion into singing this song

 “We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;

He chastens and hastens His will to make known;

The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing:

Sing praises to His name; He forgets not His own.

One day as I was praying about the language for these poetic words, when I heard this:

 “ Even a Mighty Lion needs his Pride”

Did you know that Lions are the only big cats to live in family units called prides? They need their pride family to survive. It’s the pride that helps these lions with their hunting and because hunting in groups gives the lions a better chance of finding their food and reducing their risk of injury. These pride families help establish and defend their territories, territories that provide access to resources such as food, water, shelter, and companionship.

Here is another quick fact. Without other lionesses, a singleton female is likely not only to suffer from loneliness, but will be unable to care for her cubs, defend her ground, or catch needed prey to sustain.

An even sadder fact is this: if a lion pride is taken over—when a new coalition of males takes over—they almost always kill the cubs, for the cubs that are not biologically related and are often taken out, thus ensuring that other lions’ genes will not be passed on.

We have to stay together, gather our own, preserve our families, and defend the throne.

Be blessed, and go forth as the ambassador that you are called to be, get your papers directly from His mighty WAR ROOM in heaven. Link arms with others in the spirit of unity. Let’s go out in love and win some wars for the Kingdom of our Lord.

Love your comrade, Melissa Norris

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