One day after a particular week of distractions and demands, I plopped myself down in my prayer room and said to Jesus, “Today Lord, I am going to do this, I am going to give you my undivided attention and seek your face! How Lord do you want me to come into Your presence?”
“With clean hands and a pure heart,” He answered.
“Yes, Lord,” I said and went straight to the passage in Psalms 24:1-6
A Psalm of David.
1The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof,
the world and all who dwell therein.
2For He has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the waters.
3Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?
Who may stand in His holy place?
4He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to an idol
or swear deceitfully.
5He will receive blessing from the LORD
and vindication from the God of his salvation.
6Such is the generation of those who seek Him,
who seek Your face, O God of Jacob.
Photo by Annie Gray on Unsplash
I love this passage of Scripture as it lays out the Lord’s sovereignty.
I thanked the Lord for His Word and sat in His presence. The minutes ticked by slowly as the Holy Spirit and I sat there together. This is what came to the surface as a simple revelation to my soul. Though it is as basic as bread and butter, it’s a good and humble reminder meant for encouragement.
Photo by Mandy von Stahl on Unsplash
This is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me:
“Because of Jesus’ blood sacrifice on the cross, Jesus has done ALL the preparation that is needed for you! His love has blazed the trail to His Holy Hill for you! He did all this so that you could receive a Golden Invitation from the great I Am. You, Melissa, have been given the opportunity to RSVP with your “yes.”
You do need to make the journey to climb up My Holy Hill, and when you reach the top, what then, Melissa?
I responded. “Well, Lord the passage says. Who may stand in His Holy place? “
“You are correct, Melissa, but though this is in a question form, I want you to see it as a statement of privilege, a gift that has been granted to you as a beautiful opportunity to attend.”
I was now overwhelmed with thanksgiving as the completion of the revelation unfolded. The revelatory truth that I was in a position to stand before Lord’s presence.
My heart could only respond with a trembling voice, “Wow, Lord, I don’t have to be perfect? I don’t have to do all the work or plead? I don’t have to labor once I walk there; I get to stand there?”
“Yes, you get to stand in My presence with Me on My Holy Hill.”
“Oh, Lord! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!”
At the beginning of this writing, I told you that this truth was as simple as bread and butter. But this passage of Scripture, this revelation, this gift wrapped in love shifted the whole process of seeking Him for me.
Here is a practical example to help in the ponder of what I am sharing.
I am currently on my way to a wedding in Reno, Nevada. I have packed my bags and loaded the car. I have purchased a gift and some new clothes. But this was all I had to do to respond, with my “yes” to the RSVP.
Meanwhile, over the last few months that I have talked to my friend by phone, she would share with me the extent of the wedding preparations for her daughter. All the thoughts and decisions, the selection of guests, decorations, accommodations, the financial output for each person attending. Detail upon detail was debated in an effort to honor the bride and groom, family, and friends.
I did not have to do all this work; I was simply selected to be one of their guests. They are the ones allowing me to share in their celebration. My efforts to show up compared to their labors was humbling. I was not doing them a favor; rather, they were honoring me by extending an invitation.
Maybe the next time you go to your prayer room to seek the King, you will take your Golden Invitation. Hold it in your hand as you travel up His Holy Hill and rejoice that you were selected to stand in this place reserved just for you. I hope this humble perspective is helpful to you as you seek Him. So put on your new wedding outfit and shiny new shoes and walk the brightly lit path to the chapel of your King.
In His Matchless Name,
Melissa Norris