Kitchen Perspectives

Kitchen Perspectives

While putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and asked me, “Why does Satan hate mankind so much?” It was actually a rhetorical question because He answered it for me. He said, “Because we (mankind) were created differently than he was. He was created to worship God without intimacy, as an image of God but not in the image of God. He was given free will but without a chance of repentance. One-and-done!”

In The Waiting

Not If, But When

On April 2, 2015, we received a report and diagnosis. We were asked all kinds of questions like:

“How are your teeth?”
“You have regular dental checkups, correct?”

To then hear, “You don’t want to have any cavities or infections in your mouth.”

I Follow The King

Renewing Your Mind

The number one need in a Christian’s life is a renewed mind.

Renewing your mind is not switching the “to-do list” of the world for the “to-do list” of God. It is literally a change from the inside out. The Holy Spirit renews our mind supernaturally as we spend time in God’s Word.

I Follow The King

I Follow A King


I follow a King who was born in a manger filled with straw, cud and dung. Who slept comfortably while the warm breath of the living barn was His only source of heat on that bright and starry night.

Faith Is Not A Feeling

Faith Is Not A Feeling

Have you ever read the book Faith is not a Feeling by Ney Bailey? Don’t feel bad; I haven’t either. I have, however, been thinking a lot about the title and how it applies to me in my everyday life and circumstances.


Come To Him Boldly

As I am writing this blog, Israel is at war. The atrocity, mockery, and straight-
up boldness of our evil enemy are on display. Death is his business. Division
and destruction are his goals. This is an outright attack against God Himself,
as this is always the enemy’s intention. He hates God and will use anyone and
anything to fulfill his agenda of hatred and violence.


By His Spirit

As I look around our world, I see God beginning to move in incredible ways. Things are shifting. Acceleration is not only coming–it is here! It is an exciting time to be alive, but harrowing things are happening around us. It can get a little overwhelming if we allow ourselves to focus on the bad instead of all the good God is doing.

evergreen rings

Life Rings Of An Evergreen

We at Sanctioned Love Ministries have recently completed our third Amazing Pursuit Conference-themed Evergreen. During our conference, one of my tasks was to deliver a lyrical word; a 20-minute poem to give dimensions to the revelation of our theme.

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A Bride With Army Boots

In my prayer time with Jesus, I heard the Lord whisper, “It is time for My remnant to receive their Bachelor of Arts Degree or B.A.–Bride with Army boots!


Don’t Give Up!

Each of us will experience moments where we want to give up. In these moments, we have to trust God. In 2018 I set out to climb a 14-teener in Colorado.