Last year, at our Amazing Pursuit: Evergreen conference, I spoke about how prosperity was not only a choice but a mindset, not based solely on whether or not you have finances. I feel that this is a huge problem in the church right now. God has given us the Word, promises, encounters, and miracles alongside His faithfulness and goodness, yet we still struggle to keep our faith prosperous. Jesus told us how to pray in Matthew 6: 9-13, which says:
- “This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, 10. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11. Give us today our daily bread. 12. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER AND EVER AMEN!
As Christians we should be praying things from heaven onto earth. Prosperity is pulling things from heaven into your circumstances. It is not looking at your earthly circumstances and wanting that to change. Heaven will change your circumstances because God granted you authority on this Earth. You are a prince or princess of the King of kings. The church needs to start acting like it. We can definitely ask God for things. However, there is a difference between asking as a wish, like a genie, and asking God to move and using declarative statements because you know where your authority comes from.
You were chosen to not only exist but to be used! You are called to make disciples, yes, but in order to have disciples, you have to teach them things. What are you teaching them? We are all leaders and teachers, whether we realize it or not. We teach and lead people to a prosperity mindset or to settle for poverty in every circumstance.
We can have prosperity or poverty in the following:
- Finances
- Family functions
- Health
- Workplaces
- Schools
- Government
- Friendships
- Relationships
- Identity
- Struggles in your life
- Other people you cross paths with and really anything else that comes into your circle
The November election is coming. Do you think a president will fix all of the problems? Yes, this country has better options, but they are not the answer. You cannot believe that the President of the United States and God will fix this. You cannot have two masters! God is the starter and the finisher. Where is your faith? Where is it positioned? Where is it located? Do you trust God with the things that I listed above? Do you believe that He is for you and not against you? Do you believe that He holds the world in His hands? Do you believe that Jesus died for your sickness and that you are already healed from your addiction, disease, mental illness, family dysfunction, workplace problems, financial problems, and generational issues?
It is time to choose prosperity over our minds and lives!
It is time to choose faith over fear!
It is time to choose life statements over death statements!
Scripture is more than just a good idea! The Word of God is God-breathed! Although it was written thousands of years ago, it still brings current pure revelation to everyone who reads it and plants the words in their hearts and minds!
Romans 12: 2 TPT says, Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life that is satisfying and perfect in His eyes.
We need to stop being part of this world and ask Jesus to help renew our minds individually! We need to pray: “Jesus, transform my thinking. Let me think of Your ways for my life. Let me believe Your Word! Let me receive what You have for me.”
A prosperity mindset is a choice. What will you choose?
Be Blessed!
Megan Stockwell
Sanctioned Love

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